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Showing posts from January, 2017


                                                      Interesting In my would be like sense that I need to be I became the product of the system.That I would be like the calling of the system.That I would be like that is the fact that I would like that in the sense that I dont get up at all in the morning to see and tell them the things that I would be. In my would be sense that I would I would say that I will be the one in the expediant greatness of it in the sense that I would be there for them. All in the sense of not being I'm there for them.In the sense I would be there as if I could see.      


                                                  Adultery In the me sense I would sense that they are up to something.But that something is the cause.In it,It seems that they are forgotten by them.In it it seems that they are the likelihood of it.For they are unseen in it.Moments in it, it seems that they are the forgotten ones.That they seem to be with me in the scene that they are there for them,in it they seem like it would be.But the thoughtfullness of it is in someone. So take it.

I'm a feeling

                                                       I'm a feeling In the feeling of sensualness I am seeking.In the sense of I know it is seeing.I am feeling in a sense of humour.In the humour sense I am giving.In the adorance it is the giving,but for me it is the giving and not the taking.In the take of it I would be the thoughtfull one and in the presence of it I would be the seen one. In my take it is the one that prescribes to you that takes your strenght away.And it would be that they would be keen on seeking love for them for they are in with them.So they call it the feeling of I'm interested


                                                          Eve In my minnd it is her that is the one.But is for them they can only so seek her for she is beautifull because of her own.Can you see them as they are.But they can only say that they are when they are so they are.As it is they are in there own because of them.It is in because they are beknown for that fact of their beautifull remindedness to them.But they can only forsee them when it is because they are only known for them.

Drug Afflicted

                                                                        Drug Afflicted In the sense of the word I would say to them that they are more than me but they cant think.They are there but they are not for me.In the sense of the word it is there.I can say that they think they are but they are not there,they can conform to them but they cant exert them.They can forsee them but they cant cant pretend for them,only they know if they can stay.So they forsee that they can pretend it.But they can still see them as it is but they can't forsee them,and it is that. They cause

Ghetto Liked

                                        Ghetto Liked In the service of the master.I would say that I am there .In the case of no expenses I woukld say to them that they are more expensive than me.But they woukld gladly accept it.In the would sense of not being I am in the sense of no through way to them.To them it is more up with them than down with them.Thay are in for indiscreet and keep knocking but they cant come in.They are something like something else to the sense of no throughway for me or them.

In the normal

                                                      In the normal As experience stands it is very emotional for me.As it is anyway it has been good to them.For it is the way that is underway.I am in the good space of time.My time is underway to score it big. It is understood that unexperience is no good for them.But it is the will that is good for them.It is my mind that requires them to be, but thy attitude that will determine less things.I am in the mind of no time and space.So keep me away for it will be anyway.So far be enough,it will be break off.

In the Public

                                              In the Public In the way the return is expelling.The interest of them is nothing.In the expelling mind of know yourself I would be self proclaimed.In the sense of know nothing I would be saved.In the know sense of nothing I will be nothing.In the reality of nothing I can seem to be recalled to it.In my sense in my mind it is self proclamation that is nothing.In the sense of nothing it would seem that I thought It was.There is a heaven in this space.It is the self proclamation that is nothing,but to others it is to be saved from it.


                                                                Calamity In the space of no time I would say things are looking rather up for me.I have no time for expediant nothings willowing in my time.For my time is precious and no nonsense.I have time but no time so have time for me.I have no sense so sense this,the time is up for me.In the world sense I would be trading for them but they  would be trading me off.But they would be thinking again.But if they so caused the killing word I would just plug and play .Offense
                                                               In the space  In the time of them it is me that is there.It is the time that I will seek them but they wont count as it really stands.As it would be like that they could be seen as them.For they are just there.As it would have been like to them as it would been there.For they are, it would been like.For they are just there.For they are just there again and again and again.

White Predicament

                                                      White Prediacement In there shall pass a new avenue the predicament is that we've been had all along.In the time of them they that see them shall know that it is.For they shall long to be within them but they will not see them.It shall be seen that they forget them but they don't forget them.They can see them but they cant foretell them.In the no sense of it I would say that they can persist with them but they can't uphold them.They can be without but they can't be within.They can only see them when they are another form but they cant foretell them a thing. It is the aboard that conforms them.When without you are not,when within you are it.So they shall say:' speak not a tongue,but a fool will gesture it to me to be in the place where he is.So I cant speak but within me.


                                                                Royalty In the the place where they are,they are not forgiven.They are there because of them.They can not without them.They can only be if they are or they seek them for without them they are without.So are given facts that they don't even consider them for that as they are for them in the spaces that they are.For they seek them in themselves so that they can be without them in the no space of time and be there for them as if could be,as if seen they can be without and they can see.


                                                  Empire In the sky is the the limit ponograph it would be likely that they seem to know me all the time.But as for him it is not to ascertain that will grant him self proclamation but the will of good desire.It is in him to be there for them but they dont see them,as for them they can get the factors of great expedience in them.As they are not there with them or within them.They can go far but they will not succumb to them.It is them that will be and not they that will seek in the thought of them not there.

In my State

                                                    In my state In my mind in the pensionstate that I find myself I will give it up for them.They shall see them as if they know them.But they will be forgiven.I am possible.For they are not,they can keenly seek them out but they cant forgive them.They are not seen in the present but in the sense knowing.They can also forgive but they cant last.They have no forgiveness of sins within,but they have it about them,they can lose it within them but they cant without them.They can also forbear the explosiveness of time.
                                                     Interestingly In the word sense of knowing I am not being.I am not knowing for they are not being.I can see them as they are for they are not there I am more than them as it were.In my sense in the knowing,I am forgiving.It is not the world that determines,but it is there that will source the outcome in the messenger for them.They are just there for me in the sense of knowing them.They can see them,I can tell them for they are more than me in the sense of not knowing them.For they are just there for me to see.


                                              Indescribeable They must know that  they are for me in the sense knowing of time.They are just knowing them as it is in them for they are not known in the sense of not knowing.In the sense of not knowing it is them that are in the presence of the Almighty One.For they are in the presence of something greater.They are not known for it but they are in the sense knowing of time that we are in.In the sense knowing of no time I only have time for one last hit and it is......not knowing


                                                            Intrespective I'm in the know how of nothing so you see...The thing is for them that they are known in the sense form of being.So I called it and they pretended it.So they called it pretentious wharfing,wishing time.In the so called sense of them not seeing me.I'm in the so called space of no time for them as is they are for me.Forgive me for not seeing them as it is.They are not backpacking they are excluded from me all together as it is in their mind.In their mind it is nothing in theirs it is something but their inexperience is something for them to see.They dont experience me for the way I am and I am the way  and the way  is bold enough.

The Calmer

                                                          The Calmer In the experience of time,It is the exit mind that pertains to the being of so would you like it. Is the.."so you would like to experience thee very something today," Why dont you try me for change?I am in the mood for the experience that can given it.The fact is that you like it in from heaven and it is the heaven like being in them for keen saken time.In the seen time of me I'm in there for them so keep it to a real do,or a no do.

Almighty Jesus

                                                      Almighty Jesus I would like to thank thee for the time I was with them for they are the thought for my sense of knowing. There is not them.In the knowing mind I am worthing for them to pursue me in the sense of giftedness.To them it is more likely that they are forgiven by them.But they are more than just here in the presence of man.Although they can sense the time of being they forget it all to,for me it is them.For them it is you .Forgiveness is imperative.Likeness is goodness.Importance is nothing.Almighty
                                               Introspective Monopoly In the judgement of people that are there,I would say that they are more than me to see them is like nothing to them.But to me it is the form of identity that pursues the likeness of them being there.But for me it is nothing to them it is something.In the places that they stay.They thought that they could manipulate the situation into being for them as it is their say to stay here.I would like to thank them for that,as it is their say that will determine my future for their sake in return they would purse their thoughts on it.But for me it is nothing to them to them it is more like pursuing their own thoughts.To make me look more gifted in the know sense of nothing.In the know sense of nothing I would stay nothing.To them it is sense knowing

In that anyway

                                                      In that anyway In my place you are there for me even though I am not that where it is.In my presence it is and would be like them to see them as it is.For them it is nothing to them,but for me to see them is exceptional.In my state of mind I am reclusive to the mere fact of not knowing them.For the things that they are in the present world we are more than it.To be it cannot be on the side of anyway.I am more than a mere fact that is obstructed by them,to be there in them.To see is superface to them.

Sense Knowing

                                                              Sense Knowing The more I see the knowing I become.Because of certain things that pertain to me.In my place I am more willing than them to because I am known for them.In the space of time I am the more willing one to myself to self destruct into the spectrum of self knowing them.By myself I would be in the sphere of not knowing them to understand them it is knowing.I am knowing them into myself for the proclamation of goodwill.To better understand the understudy of time to them it is and to them it is nothing.All in the understood sense of knowing them for myself unto them for my sake it is,Thy will to be better understood by...

In my side

                                                          In my Side Of your own opinion I would self-taught anytime in the place of them.But they would do nothing to them but they would just like them for any thought in any space area.I would like to tank thee for again pursuing the thing next time.I would also please thee knowing them in the place that I am in space that I am.I am more willing than them in the presence of God.But they would like to be their in their own mind and thought to see all.For me it is sown to effect it,in the poison reason of  money to them.But to me it self-destruction that pertains to the glorius state of nature growing.In my place,I am that willing being to secretly be...
                                                     All in my In the public eye it is the thing that is obscure in the presence of God that will always be there. For me that is to say,that I will always be the inexperienced one. In the sense of not knowing that I've been there for them and they've been there for me,It would be like them being nothing in Gods eyes.I am more than them in the likelihood of them not being.I will see them face to face and for them it is more than they can get.But for them it is all or nothing I will get up there and tell them what is fucked up and nothing will be .But for me it is them that counts in the places that we are and not the their.All in my place is their space so that will be refurnishable...
                                                                In the Event of Time I am always the nothing in the place of time.But for me it is more to them than to me.It has always been so that I have been the one in the self- proclaimed space of time.That I have been the one to say the things that I have been.But for me it has always been the wrongside of things that have turned it around for them.I will always be the lost experience in their time,but for always will be the next stop experience.It will always be the next stop in time that will determine the ultimate in their minds that is to say...... I would like to fuck someone up in this time of space.To say to them,'now is the time'.And the likelihood of them ...
                                                              Running Time  I think I have and I am thinking that I will because no other is greater than He is.I am gratefull for the time that is great in the expensive sense of nothing.But for me it is the time in no expensiveness that is fullfilled.That is seen in the no arrangement of expensive time management that is obscure for them.To be into it that is my opinion.I am so gratefull for the time that is seen in them but they dont get anywhere without Him in the sense of nothing.        
                                                           The Indiscreet All in the thought of mine own I am in the presence of light to illuminate strenghth that is within me.For they will be for them eventhough I am more than them in presence of awakening,within mine own mind.To satisfy the willingness of mine own good to sake them is in them.Indiscreet thoughts are not a problem.But with thine own it is not there for me.But will your thoughts be as though they are not there within them.To see the radiance of them that are in this place.For your light will show.
                                                       Overdue In time it is more like me than them.I am in the space of no time for me.That is to say,I am more willing than them to say I am for them.And not to say that they are for them in the no presence of time.All in the time that I"ve been there it has been you for me and them.But now it is they that are doing the thing of time,probably for my sake.But to them it is that thing of me in between them.So that it is they that are doing the will of my God.That will procure the long effect of mine.All in the state of no refuse for them but for them it is mine own in them.So that they will be stronger and in mine thought.
                                                                 All in the Eye All in them are in you.So be beautifull in the full radiance of time.And never forgive up,so that time can be like mine own a pre-fasted thought of not having time for them.In the oresence of time,I am more than time.And the knowing thereof is like prison break.All in time is mine and the network of rediscovering it is something like them,so what its time for them. Forgiveness
                                                All in the publish I am in time of no repentance to Thee and Thee alone.For me it just that the time is of no time to them but to me it is them that coinspires with my thioughts,actions,immediate planning of the future.They are just there for the more fact that they can be in the essence of no time to me and them so keep them and treat them as they are for without me they are....... Disconcerning.
                                                                   In the now The beckoning of time is in our hands.And the must see is the know how for me.It is the preconception of time that allows us to be more sincere to thee in these times.All I know is that I must be seen in the light of them in the context of no return to cymbal of maniscure priveledges.That obliterates the sincere thoughts of harvesting them in the sincere minds of them so that they can see them as fruitfull to all of me in the sense of time that coinspires with that of the mediocure posture of vanity.All in these mistakes have I made but I must sense that they dont see me as it is with...
                                                                        In the Event It is my place that has become more like them in the place that I am,and the no sense of not being is just it.but for me it is just that. The pride and sense of ego that exist in between them as if to say.... that they just dont get along at all for the sake of him.But nonetheless I am expediently in the great recompense of not being at all.In the set of their mind but they are just seeking them for their own gain as to say that they are more than me in perfect sense to them.But for me it is just the nice take that I have given them and not taken them for they are in the sense of no repentance and no remittance to them. As for me I am forgiven 
                                                              In my head place It is not them that is so quiet but it is not for them either.In my head it is more than them and they just dont get there on their own they must be pre-ordained.In the sense that they are forgiven but not to them but to the ones in the space of no recluse.Because they are the fingerpointing ones in that middle.I am there in that sense of not forgiving and not seeing that,but they are more than them in the obscure sense of not being and not being taken to them for food parcels and polony sandwiches which are just for the sake of not being so they will take R1 for Two .Food parcels 
                                                        Far Away   In my plan it must take about nothing to succeed in life.But for me it is not just about the.It is more like the people I dont see,that makes me forget about the things in this life.But as for me it is more like the Niagarra Falls expedition than the mountain climbing expressing.But in any case the things that are the most important is that they dont get me there in their headspace like I'm into the verefactor but not really so or if it is not there.... it is more like them in the space of no recluse.But they are just there in their own minds thinking of Tarzan and making it like Jane.


                                                           Possible Way In the event of a life time I am more than some of them.But they are just not there for me in the certain sense of not being in the unjust way of the Law but my name is spectra and all the things that I am is just not there for me.In the present mind state I am not nothing.But they will always be in the sect of no recluse.And they will always be their for their own good.And that will be always my name in the sense of not being in the present tense,but they will always be never in the same time as them. Allrightness

Abacus Man

                                                          Abacus Man In the know here life I am more than him,and the know how sense of being is that they dont just get it in the form of nothing.But they would want to do this because I am more than him,my name is not Mysterious Man.It is but just a sense of no relief to me.To be in the form of something else but they will always find that I am more than them.I will always be their friendship token in the way that I am perceived.But they will never forget the name that means nothing.I am so just in the present tense.Of not being but they will always find me in the forgotten sense,of no name.It is thy name in the present tense.But they will always be fair t...
                                                           In the Ereway I am  in a event that poses me as the victory champ.But I am not there in a sense that they are just mere friends,that always make me the way that I am.And because of that I am more than them,and they are not just there for me.But they are also thare for others in the complete sense of time.And not knowing that it is all the facts that they find obscure.But as for me it has always been that they dont get it the way I do,and my name is. Everlasting
                                                                   In the midst of it 'I here I am'.And they are there,but they dont know me the way I am.Because they dont  believe in God the way that we do.And that is the point of it. Amen