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                                                              Abducted They that seem that they are known is not not known by me.That they think they are in the space of little girls is not seen.They that think that they seem to be in there is not with us.They that seem to be in there is not seen by women.They are forgotten.they are not chilhood prodidgys.But they are not with stalkers they are just in the community.That is them in the fact that they are not a woman but a little walker, prancing and.thinking of them.It is abstructed.They seem to be in there is not seen that they think they are is not heard all of.They are not there.They with taken form society.murdered for inscense.That they think they are.raped for incompetence and lack of better care.Totured and yelled at for the sake of not knowing themselves against a predator larger and more dandgerous than them.Beaten for the sake of priveledge.Waiting for death that they seem to know as it is bread being fed.Unfair human life

The ones that rally

The ones that Rally In the time of them it is for them.In the snowstorm it is not them.They can take but they cant protrude.They can see them but they cant forsee.They can forgive but they cant forsee.They can be everything except an informer for the CIA in this country.Thats it. Charl van de Merwe The ones Ralph Stanfield

Zuma Must Fall 2

                                                          Zuma Must Fall 2 It the most here fact of the things that he is and that they are foregone-Whites.They can forgive but they cant partake.They are forbidden but not forsaken.They are fortold but not intold.They are in trouble but not troublesome.They are sellings but not sold.They are forgotten but not told.In them it is sold.They are not a political party its a smear campaign against their name.Right wing followers that are on the loose,still judging them that are in power for who they are.More rascist than fascist.It was probable but now it is implored that they are there in there own Whitemind of the minority.Crude mentallist still exist that vent their anger at the obligatory.That they seem to be in there is no reason.Its an extravagant fact for being in the ultra sense of not knowing them.They are in the scene of provocation it is a coup by outside alienated people influenced by the influential in the sense of making a mem

All in my eyes

                                                        All in my eyes In that I see that I am the forecast of everything that.I seem to be in there,it is the eye see.That they  may be proposed to be with me.That I seem to be in there with them.That they seem to be there is not me.That I can only foretaste them in the eye see.That they are formiddable is nothing to me.They can only taste them in the forecast of things that they seem to be there is not me.They are in there all alone.That they seem to be in there with me is not so.I am ridiculed for not being in them,but they are seen by the and not me.They seem only to bet there for wanting pleasure.They can foretaste victory in me.They can only see them in me.They are slower that them in forgiveness of sins,its me vs them.Its me in this place that they see.They can only forsee the great things in them.Family is the only placeable thing they have and it is nothing.They are forgiven by them but not for war places.All in the sphere of n

Sundry of weed

                                                              Sundry of weed In the common text of priveledges I assume I am in it.They consume them now in the context of not making it but growing it.They can consume them in the foretaste of heaven that they seem to legalize them in the state of no heaven.They can delicately grow in the sense of not knowing it.In the consumption of them they seem to be in there with them.Legalizeing it is in the foretaste of them to weed of them discrepincies.It is foremost their smoking taste in life that is found common amongst us.So why not?It is weed up!!!!

All is publicly

                                                      All is publicly In the space that I am it is the same that I am forgiven by them for saving them.That it is forseen to be up with them.That they are forgotten for the fact that they are in the Druglord Business in the same space that I am.That they keep on forgetting who we are is no business.That they keep on entertaining is no business.There names are in synergy without completion.That they will think about them and not say anything-meaning that it is not with them.They can forsake themselves by not entertaining.They can forbear but not forsee.The informer is grounded,your time has sounded like they are in the informal settlement setting .In the same sense it is them that they keep on forgetting them that they are extinct in world publicly.

It is in my day

                                                          It is in my day It is the part of your day that is in my day.That is seeming that they are.That is forgiven by them in heaven they can forgive them but they cant cant forsake them-angels and people.All the seemingly greatness is within them-forseen.without them it is conceivable.That they are there is there greatness in them.They can forsake but not contemplate.They can forsee but they cant withstand.They can can introduce in the company but not be.It is withstand that they are there,they can forgive but not intercede.They are more in places like them-churches.They are seeing in the possible but not withstanding.They are forsaken and not permitted.They are forgiven but not seen by them.Angels are in downstream-Life is with them.