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Perspective is the Way

                                                         Perspective is the Way — ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE — The ANC is in the right way of the democacy of this country to see them in the past is not delight. In the consequent it is the hard fact that it is nigh for them in the stay of this country. It is also the beleagured state that they are so well in this case. It is the befallen to be in the mistrust by them the ANC to stay in their stature and it is the way forward to recieve the pundits and the apllause. That they so truly deserve in their manuscript it is well done in their case to serve the people well. In the cases of them versus me it is the greatest fact fact that they are so summoned by the minorwhite people severely to sever the like of the affirmative.In the case sense of the esteemed it is te role of the partissan group to see them out in this case.In the tension of the master which is the ANC cluster it is the redeemable. That seems requisuite in t

Zimbabwe did Fall

                                                   Zimbabwe did fall It is the austencible way in the disregard of the fact and that is the people that the president Robert Mugabe is not there anymore. In the case of them in the case of whatever it is said that they are so nigh in the fact of  it all. In the cases of them in the cases of me it is the Zimbabwean authority that is in the rule of the law in that country and that is the soverreign army that is innthe clause of the people now. Of the by side like bystanders standing on the graveroad it is the so poor that is poor in the disarming of the the fact that is Robert Mugabe. In the case of them in the place of me where I am staying it is the fact that I am so there in the world today saying that it is the poorest ociountry has been sovereign lead in this case in the place of them. In the cases of the Zimbabwean people it is the greatest fact that they are backthrough it all in the suffication of R

Failing money In SA

                                           Failing Money In SA       DISGRACE US                      DISGRACE US Through a name we can collapse and one can have it all in the place that we live in the cases of the us in the place of my hope. Through that name we can surely feel the pressure of the managing directly with the no freefal of SA. It will be sure that he will MAKE US THIN IN THE CASE OF NOT EXPECTING ANYTHING IN OUR CASE IN SA In the is country of us it is the them in the us and the in the pound but in the case of me it is me against the in the forepsace of the money,matters. It is the livelyness of me that is making it possible a the economy is the downfall of them in this place so that they can seem to be in this place of overseeing the market in the so space of the new economy. Steered by Malusi Gigaba it is the huge fact that he is unseeing in the money market factor in the case of him and the current status of SA. It is the market that is

Conglemarate Africa Failing

                                                         Conglemerate Africa Failing Africa is in the case of not reponding well to the secret structures of the places these presidents rule in. They rule in the circumspect and that is the diarrhea that they perform in and that is so well in the country in the circumspect. It is the outright course of the discourse of Africa that is stated in the composure of the structure of the government in the call of it is disfunctional. In sovereignity it is the fiscal market market that is exposed. of the structure that is so well in this case in the monotary sense it is the no respect given to the outstrectch thing that is the confiscal. In the space of the non-reclusive. And it is well in the case of the structure in the consfiscating sense that they are in the structure of the arteria motive it is the escalating presence of them in theire country. It is also the likelyhood of them being understood in the sense that they are in


                                         ECONOMICALLY POLITICALLY It is like the saying that goes the one way it is leading and the other way it is going. In the stead of the government in this case it is the seemingly impossible way to keep the track of the railling of the course in the stead of the new policy of the ANC. It is always the case of the stead in this matter in the name of the governement it is that.In the stead of the goverment it is always the pub,meaning it is the stay in the case. It is the government that willsrefurbish the idea of the embelishment of the current status that they will seek them out in the beginning is adjust a phrase. It is said that they are so steady in their course in the is supplement in the case of them in the stead of the government that is said that they are so nigh in the case of me.Their name is fullfilled in the filled sake. It is their name that will be besitted amongst the clouds in heaven in the steady income that is the withst

Star Little

                                                                              Star Little It is a crazy idea to sometimes think that we are the stars in this place and that we seem to be in the places that we are. In the state of the state of meningitis that I'm so releiable in a lot of things in the cause of the event it is said tha they are so we. In the steady workflow that Ive got Ive seem to be inept in the quest of me and the thing that I am. In the inquest of them in the quest of my name I'm so remaked in the sense of me in the state of the sense of that I'm in.In the quest I'm there and they are not.To be it is like the star has never fallen and the case has never risen in the conquest of me it is said that they are so likely to stay but they are not the case of the matter.

White Sovereignity

                                                              White Sovereignity                                                  And it is the likelyhood of them the sovereign rule in  society that they will be ousted. In the case of them it is the fact that they are so relied upon but yet they will stand up only in their name with a witch hunt in their name. In the onquest of the thing it is the sad that they are so seeking them in this case. As always it is the fortune if the few that turn their way in their case in the ousteds name. All it is the fact that they are so relied upon in the cases of them. They look so and always are so arrogant in their stance in society. We are very reliant of them in the case of the society to crumble to perhaps be a little more the way that things will never workout.But they are always so stupid in the case of them in the space of them in that inquest. But ever after it is the case of them in the vase of me to see them out.In the funny be