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ANC is ridiculed by Ramaphosa

                                 ANC is ridiculed by Ramaphosa


Although  it is the fact that they are so reliable in the sense of the word giving it is not so.It is in the fact of the NDZ campaign that they are so just.
In the inept word of the saying it is so the fact that they are so reliable in the oddsense of the word restored.It is also the fact that they are so reliable in their way that they cant see foreward.
But it is the fact that they are so reliable in the oddsense of the word.
If they get the word of the name of the word working in the ANC it is obscene for them in the space of the little they have left in the ANC.It is also the gift of the nourishing of them in the poverty stricken areas that they are counting on the ANC.But it is like they all seem to be in the poore state of their affairs in tghat places.
Although the resistance state is that Cyril Ramaphosa in there it is not the stay in the ANC.
He is so reluctant to use them in the case of the Kwezi saga that is so disgusting for them to say at the least.He is used to it and it is the meme of his token of friendshipm to the ANC members in the Zuma camp to be so confodent.
He is so confident in seeking the victory that he is astounded at his results in this country.But he is  areliable a source for negligence.He must not forget the fact that he is seen in the mistake of the ANC  for the ZUma disgrace as well and not as he can keep clean in this case.
And in the correct way and the seeding creed it is regretably sorry in their humble word.
He thinks that he can forsee in the future of the disposition of the ANC and that is the ridicule of them in the state.That is also the reliance factor of them that the people thinks he is winning his way but he is not he is just a loser like them.He thinks that he can stand on his own two feet and orchestsrate the fact that the ANC is alive.In the case of them in this place it would seem that he is inept in the way but he is not.
But he is also inept in the cause of the play and that is the stay in this place.
Also is the fact that he is so reliable in the oddsense of his name and that is the forgetting of the ANC conundrum.In the way of Jacob Zuma is  the Kwezi issue that he has planted and that is the say of them.In the way of the discrepensies of the ANC it is  the rediculousness that is the hatred.In the way of him it is the way but he is not the likely man.
That is cursed by him in the curse of him it is also the say that he is to forlong in the stay of the ANC.
He will succeed in the ample state of the place but not in the way of the successor in post that is there.
NDZ is there in teh way if the successor but she is not there in the making of it in the name if the ANC it is so a idiots game.That she thinks she can loose this race and that is not the case.Succeed in the name of the game of the reliance factor in the name of the state.


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