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Cape Town Frenzy

                                              Cape Town Frenzy

In the despite factor it is the thing that is lie to them.They are saying that we are they are but it is not in the sense that the name is making sense.That they are forgetting who they are in the sense that they are there in the frenzy state.Their names are murderes,rapist,killers,peadophiles and the alarming fact of family killings.The same that we are there they are in the same sense as them and the rest of us.They are them,or  more likely to be good in the sense that they are all forgiven objectively.That they can see whom they are in the sense that it is no mistake.That they take care of things in the present.That they forget the things that they are in the same sense as they are.The thing that is good about us that they are in the good like thing is that  they all seem to be in it with the always there.The factor is that the criminals are at large in this place.In the start of the frenzy it is them and not us taht are likely to commit a crime.That are likeing the things that they are in the good sense that are proverbial.That they are in the sense of not making a name for themselves.There is the possibillety that they are goodness in the stake in the heart the unoffiocials.that they seem more likely to winning is inconceivable.that they are in the sense of not giving is in the sense of problems.I think poiticians and are just around the same swept tide.Its just that they are more in the sense of being subdued.In the would be it it would seem to be that they are there in the no sense of covoutesness.Some people like me in the same sense that they are there in the obscure space of time.They are there on the convalescent sense of time.That they are thinking the time is expediant is less less than thanking them.In the arm of the unlikely it is the stupid that is procured.In the sense of them it is not likely that I am there in the stupid sense but in the cupid sense.


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