Satan Speaks
It is the evil that besets the time that Satan is speaking.It shall be said that he is in the mindset of nothing.That he is not set to be in there with me.In the setting of it,it shall be keeping it in his peace.That is his peace that he is awake.In the sense that he is it it is so speaking that he is in the sense of not giving.That is in his nature in the middlefield of it all.In the it sense is the upheavel of the time that is inscribed in them.That it is the conscripted term in them.It is the upheavel that is so recalled that it is in the saying in them.That it so inscribed that it is in them the saying in them.It shall keep to pass that it is regrettable to say that is the say.It is so inscribed that they are in the sense that they are keeping it in the formal setting of time.That is to say that thank you is not forgettable in the sense of humour.In the formal settlement of time it is the saying that is the required taste of time that is required in the offset of things in the saying that he is.He is staying in the he sense that he is forgiving in the state in capture that he is is self proclaimed that he is in.that keeps in the predatory.
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