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Showing posts from July, 2017

Is this the BEE after effect

                                                        Is this the BEE effect In this manicuar sensen of pride that they are n it is the after effect tat they are on to.That is the simplified version of it all.It is the thought that it is the in the price that they are in.Its complicated to be in the say of it all seeing that it is the comfortabe lifestyle that they are required seenig that they the  averege population and is poor.Even more so in the black communities.It is compelling to be in this state that they are in that they are surveying the opulance or say to speak the richness that they are in.In the very interesting fact that they are seeking it is the boarders that are compelling in th...

Reports of Intelligence incorruptible

                                                         Reports of Intelligence Incorruptible It is they the many moonlights that has begone before thee.But not one like this in the case of the spat with the government.It is more like the tide in the crimenal injuria cases that has been pending in the case of the government.But is the more or less factor that has betide in the fact that they are so career some in crime in the criminal trade.It is the fact that they are there in the crimenal injuria case.And that it is the thing that is likely to be in the case of Shaun Abrahams.Reading that he is more likely to be in this case is important than he is to sign in on it.Since it is  more of them in the betideing fact of the justice duties that is the case of Jacob Zuma. He should be deported back to Robben Island for h...

JZ miniature

                                                     Jay Z miniature It is the incomplete statement of them in the ANC,that is thinking in them.It is thought that it  is the thing that is beside them and that is the justice sytem.It is the thinking that they are the worst offenders in the system.In an offender it is secular option to be in the instagation list in them.That is the thought of them in the statement that they are the ones in the judicalar call.That is seemingly in control in there name.The system now is the artefact that is the nought that is the thougt of system.He is waving in the success in the way that he is.But he is in the awe of the spaces that he is required to be in the statement of it all.It ...

Our way forward

                                                  Our way forward It is the shamefull truth that we are not there in the coloured community.Certain things are validated that the fact is that the thought of it all is in Jacob Zuma.It is the thoughfull process of them to think that they are there in the sytem.But only in the thought.But it  is the just that is the thought.That is the thing with them.That is the thought that is seemingly there.That is the thought that is  also incompatible in the sense that they are there,in the very common sense.That is the thought behind it.that it is the thought behind it because they are so sodomly slow.In the process of not accessing the things that they are in the certain aspect of the timeAnd it i...

Intelligence Airport

                                                                   Intelligence Airport   It is the affected ones that will stay in the fact of it all.It is the thing that they are confident in North Korea.They are just mistifiably so in the interpretation of the law of nuclear misiles in the world.That it is all along in them that they seem to see fit in the strategy of the world and that it is seemingly so.It is also interpreted as a stronghold of the nation,that is the be the counterpart of the rest of the world off course.It shall be said that they are to be more seeking the advice of the novice in the game and that is other sovereign countrie...

Name Shameing is the character of the ANC

                                                   Nameshameing is in the character of the ANC It is the shall it be..... process that is their in the downslideing of the ANC.It is not enough for them to be said in the ANC.It is rediculous enough for them to be in the mindset of it all.Objugated is the fact that they are more seemingly in the french mindeness of things.Meaning that they are sommer reclusive in their mindset that they are only  a thought in SA. very comical i would say the least in the stature in parliament,that there forgiveness is shameing their onset in the quest for democracy.It is the said that they are thinking of things like that but in the minsdset of it is not the nougt,It is the shame that they are in and th...

Muslim discreet in Corruption

                              Muslim Discreet in Corruption Hijackings It is the saking of the Muslim community to giveup in their quest to be the benefactor of it all.It is the name that will resound in this success of this hijacking.That it will be said that it is to be in their name of the Islam but in the name of crime.It shall be said that they are the ones that will keep the law and order in this place.That they seem so incorruptible is nonsense that they are seemingly difficult customers to catch is  unforgiving.In their sense it is their name that is said to be and that is the owner of Zhauns.It is the fact that is a possible syndicate that is enough for the system of Islam and enough to terrorise that group of people that are there in.It is also in the past that it was that other rich prominent Muslim businessman were highjacked in the same manner in the process of getting money from their...

Corruption is in Democracy

                                                            Corruption is in Democracy It is the statement that it is said that democracy is good.In the shall be it is the goodness of the effect that it shall be said that they are there together.In the said that it is the beginning in the said that it is there in the statement of it all.It is the said that it is not good enough in the statement that it is all in the supremacy governement.that is the said of it is the thought that it is said that the government is the paristatel of the defect group that is the ANC.It shall keep them witheld from the fact that it is not enough in the statement of the reclinement of the name of the ANC.It shall be said that it is upon them in the stayaway.It is hall also be kept that it is not enough in the statement of them in the war for liber...

State Capture Now

                                                                  State capture Now It is the affidavit of the public protector to resource the material that they have against Jacob Zuma.That will instep the boundaries of him.That is the state capture report of Zuma.That he is reluctant to assail the event is down.And that he is likely to stay is to no effect of the opposition parties and the tri-partheid alliance.In his stay it is said that he is thanking them.It is the effectiveness of the NPA to be redeemed in the state that they are in.In the monotary fiund it is rediculous to say that they are not there in the immediate judiciary.It is to say that our judiciary system is the upend of  it all and that it seems to be corruptible.Why wont they just prosecute the man?Is it to say that he is not there...

Trumps disclosure sexposed

                                                                    Trumps disclosure Sexposed Wow it shall besaid that they are the kings of the pawn in the state of America.And that trump will be the man to be worshipped.In a sense you are more relentless than a homosexual.They are more pleasure than you Donald trump in a sense that you are not there to the mind that he is in he is more homosexuallly avert than the rest of them.that he e is more than them in the army is not it seems that he is more inthe sense of the armeture that is stuck up in his ass.that he beside them in the defence forxce s not otsay.that he is more in the state caprture is not say.that is the forgiveness of them.America is a country of civil rights movements that were part of struggkles like the Civil rights...

South Africas demeanour

                                                      South Africas Demeanour                                                 In the light of the state capture,it is the fullfillment of them in governemnt to be prescribed to by me.It is also the dysfunctional that is restituted in it.It is aso the time that is prescribed to that is so dysfunctional in the abnormality of living.In the state capture memorandum it is stated that they are keeping in the fact that it is more the Indian immigrant that is betideing the fact that it is not there.It is the after effect that it is not that in the government.But that said it is the fact that they are so cumbersome in the effctiveness of the state that they are required to stay ...

The craziest ANC

                                                                         The Craziest ANC It is the delectableness that I am forwarding this in regard to the stance of the ANC.It is the desire of the ANC to serve in the congress of the human being in this country.But it is the desire to do so in the effcetivevess of it all.That it is not the desire of the problem is true.It is so effected that it is not the social group standing of the economy in the case of the ANC. but it is also effected by the fact that it is not in the desire of the ANC to be in the sphere of any man.It shall be said that they are so desirefull that it is a position that is required in the fact that it is prescribed to.It is also effected in the state that it is required to be in the fact that it is not enough for them...

Vote Chandelier

                                           Vote Chandelier                                          It is the effectiveness that they are not saying that it is enough of him.It is the enough said in system that is now created.It is more impossible for him to say no than it is to say i know.In it is the fact that it is the thought that he is given in the circus that he finds himself is impeccable that he is aid that he is in the said mind of it is the unseen that is a periodical inthe sense that he is the mediocraty it is the mere fact that he is said.that he is the more fact that he is in.Inthe mediocrirty he is seen in the thinking.Eff is remiunserated in the fat that heis not seen inthe thinkingthey would think why woukld i vot e for mr.Z...

Backlash UK Stowaway

                                          Backlash UK Stowaway In the mediation that they are in it is of the utmost importance and that they are seen.In the middleclass it is the unforgiveness of them that is not.It is also the thing that is not seen like their headway in business and foreing export.In the mediocre sense that it is not there.In the media it is speculated that they are not seen in the middle class due to their effectiveness in the times.It is also the sovereignity of them that is so evolved around the fact that it is the prime minister that wants out.It is also the media that creates the frenzy of miniscule in them.In the so fact that they are not there.It is the should be fact that it is there and that it is probably more the many fact that counts.The point iof fat that they will lose alot of potential business is nothing to Theresa may and that she says tha...


                                                Business Promotions in Mzansi It is Africa in mzansi,that Mr.Zuma is incapsulated by it as the tame answer to the political sphere youre in. And that he is also responsible is the tangible way.And that he is also forgetfull is the reclusive state.That he is also thinking is not the way.It is also the thinking that he is in.That he is also in the way that is seeking.In the way that he is in it is that he is construed by the fat that he is in money cash money.That he is the confused man is a opinion of life.That he is in the way that he is thinking about his political career.Almost the very way that he is thinking and that he is won.He is so rediculously insane that he calls himself the predator on the scene with Nkosasana Dlamini-Zuma now that he is there.In the outcast he thinks that he can be won back inn,throu...

Behind closed doors

                                                       Behind closed doors It is the castration that they are in America and prsident.That he is tough in the system of a new revolution.That he is enough in the tyranny battle.That ensues them in time that he is seen in the very thing that he is  in.In the very battle that they are entroughed in is the fat that he is seen.It is the troughberry effect that he is sought in and that is the castration of his name.He is battling in the fever of oppresion of his name .The country is debatteled in the system of the country.It is very reclusive to say that he is the thing that he is in,the system that they are in.In the very system that they are thought to be and in the very systematic way.It is seen that he is thinking that he is in the seen way that he is thinking,in the way ...

Swindler President

                                                         Swindler President It is the perception that it is the outcome of the result versus him,himself and us.It is the president that is seeking the thing that is inoculated in the theme o f his party.It is the theme that he is in.It is always the seemingly difficult part that he is prescribed to by members which is drawn in by him.Which is the compulsory deficit that he is designed to self destruct with them .It always seemed that he is  in the a state capture.But it is not to say that he is there.It is always the theme that he is thinking in the state capture result and that he is sought after.That he Mr.Jacob Zuma is the thinking one.And is not prescribed by anyone in that sense and he is seen in the methodical way of expressing his old ways.That was way back when.I...

Cyril Ambassador

It is more effected than him that he is os effected by all this.rthat is the case in all would seem that he has the support of the that is being ignored by the ANC.It is the remedial action that is needed in this time.Because it is the effcted state that is suffering and that it is the investors and the money capital that is imploring for him to step down.It is his stature that is encompassingin the theme that heis staying in the idea of them and that is the is also the effcted ones that is to stay that it isthe thought that counts.It is also the remittence that is to stay that it is the nought of the system in them.It is also the remedial action that is required that is so integrated in them.that is the sin so effcted inthem the state.That is the required that is there in countrymans staement.that is capture of muy imagination to them that it is o inaffected in the sytem o fthem that it is os inaffceted that it so castrated.It is the countryman like them that is os like...

Nkosasana Dlamini Rapture

                                               Nkosasana Dlamini-Rapture It is the rapture of the statement that she is in in the conversation that she is in in the democratic is so stated that they are inthe meteor rise of the conspiracy to dethrown us.It is commemorated that it is te structure of them that is independant but not on onconceivable.that is to say that it is not the thouight that counts but that it the thought that is sought.It is the summary that it is the thought of media contempories that itis o slow for herion the oprogress of her showdown.that even electives have been warned to is the support opf them that is castrated in the thought that it is no go in the snens e thatit is not the subordinate snesen it is more given in the artefact of them.It is the dlamini Zuma that is prescribed to y them that is the fact.It is ...

White meningitus

                                  White meningitus                                                           It is affected that they are so supreme in the occult of life.That they are so stupendous in the affixture of time.That they should be the cure to all the discriminations of our time in Africa.Rich is rewareded in them, infamously that it is renewed in the spirit of them.Which is that they are known in the artefact.That it is the supplication of the them that is reconciled.It is the symptom that is the reclusive mindedness that I've known.That is the stupendous artifact that is reclusive in the mind and heart of them.That is to say that they are more vigelant in the superiorety in all manhood.It is the thinking of them that they are so infa...

SACP will dethrown

                                                               SACP will dethrown It is so affected by all.That the drama around state capture is so benigned.That it is so constitutional and that is so afflicted in the sense that they are forgiven.In the sense summary it is also the affected regime that is construed,in the sense of the summary of Jacob Zuma.It is also the affected ones that has the least to say that it is so perfected in them.It is also as said that it is not enough.But that it is said that its in the system of the nought.That is brought in the context of the game.That is the so afflicted in the sense of the summary that he is forgiven in the statement of the address.In the summary it is also the affected ones that is so construed in them.The people is one saying nay but they are ones doing the least talk...

The ANC will stay take-aways

           The ANC will stay Take Aways  It is the shall depart that will be confessing the statement that it is o depressing.that it is the fact that is somniogh in the stement of their address in the stetement of theior name it is artifact that is so the artifact of thename it so departed that is so inaugerated in the sense that they are the stake out with the guptas it is the shallw ay between them that is os the si name of it iall it is the system that they are in.that is so the system that thney te in it is the go between that is so suffixed.In the state that they are in it is o impossible to be in the head way.that is os critical to be them n ow.i would guess that ias so affected for their stet in the departmebnt that they are in.the corruption side is so afflicted that it is to say that they are in stalling side of their businees they might be sayiong why dont we get a job or why dont we get nothi...

Merkel shall be travelled

                                                         Merkel shall be travelled It is the come in the way of Andrea Merkel that is so supposed rto be in the suffix of time.that itis o required to be in her state.That is required to be in the way that they are in the subsytem that they are in in the demography of time.That it is and shall be seen that it is the fact that it is not required for her to be that way. In the enlightenment of her strength in power of it.Is the satisfactory state that she is in due to the convalescence stature of the poverty in the inclinement of the social network. that is coming for sure.That is the not in her case that she is reclusive in the sense that she is not forgiven.In the sin of her system which is her reclinement to comment on thefact that hse isd registered in the offense with her system.her ...

Kingdom shall Come

                                              Kingdom Shall Come-UK It shall be to pass that fact that it is the united kingdom.In the heresay it is the fact that it is not enough of the European Stockmarket that it is enough in the sin that it is reclined.In the fact that it is not there.It is not enough that it is the sin in the fact that it is described in the sintax of the obligation of the registry.It is the fact that they are not disliked by anyone in the European sector.It is the fact that they are not obscure in the yes of the rest of Europe.But that they are more predimanantly secure in the safety structures.That is security of them that it is so satisfactory in them.It is self secure that it is so secure in nothing.It is so absolute that they are there.In the money matters it is their economy that is stronger in the sense that they are currency driven ....

Mnnusi maimane is a idiot reclined

Mmusi Maimane is a idiot reclined It is the like that it is stateable,that it is a fact that it is no recluse for him.That it is stateable is a fact that it is not the same thing that it is not the same thing.That he would say that he is in the like of the Law fraternity .To tell Shaun Abrahams of the NPA that he is like the proverbial sense of not giving in.That he is the same as them.That he is the like of the government system that is not in the same vortex as them,that is the like that he is saying to the structure 'Go fuck yourself 'Mr.Shaun Abrahams of the NPA.To discuss the matter of Mr.Jacob Zuma to delapitate the situation,to the certain agreement that is not existing in the same sense as them.That is the forgiving statement.How can he expect the president to sanction a man that hasnt subpoened him yet.It is like disgusting to think of it.To ask a man to forgive him in the sense that he is forgiven.In the state capture and that he has no recluse over him.That is the ...

Trump-The things that youre not

                     Trump-The things that youre not It is the fiscal that it is expediant and that it is not so great in the Whitehouse to be with them.In the outside  public sphere is the thing that it is more anonymous with them.It is like the thing with that,they are there in the symptom of no nuclear power that is statutory.It is the fiscal in the department of Trump Jr. that is the like that he is the thing in the downtime of trouble.That he did not forseee the thing that he is the down like syndrome of time.That it is like the thing that they are in the syndrome of time.That is the thing of them in time they are so like that.The thing that is not in the past is the like thing of them that it is not the thing that they are capeable of.That is the like time.Obamacare is the foretaste of the government and they are preceeded by it The Obamacare fraternity that is insulted by Mr.Trump and his junior associates to rec...

Kremlin suicide the story

      kremlin Suicide it is the fact of th kremlin to be aoutore that is the beginning and the the beginningit is the fact that it is niot the thing of them in th factior that they are there in the scope of their work they are rather light.i the factor that it is the Kremlin calling and notBush not calling it is their story in the mix

ABSA reload

                                                                  ABSA Reload                                                                                     That money in ABSA is reported about that it is counting in the stank tank.That it is not to say that it is not there.It is the fact that it is not to say that it is not worth thinking about.In the immediate effect of it it has been seen to be there.In the withall of the summary of the thinking it is said and it is thanking them. It is the summary that it is the capitalist money that is reimbursed in the fund of ABSA in the inoculate sense of th...