It is up @ the ANC
It is up at the ANC becuse it is the factor that it is the thing in the media.That they are relied are upon.In the sintext of it it is all the things that they are in the sintext of the media territory.That they are insightfull in the media.It is the manufacturing purpose of the text that they are in.In the context of it all it is the thought that they are in the will of the things that they are in.In the wake of the call it is the superioty that is the will of the call.It is the wake that is surprising in the forefront that is surpriseing in the wake of it all.It is the thought that they will be in the upkeep in the context of the mining decisiveness.That is in the thought of it all in the sintext.It is the thought of the thing that they are in in the speaking way that is reclusive in the state.Of the sense that they are in it is exclusive.In the text of it all it is the system that they are in,in the context of it all it is the thought that they count on that as the mercury effect.That they are in the safekeeping of implementing structures in the fore.In the conscience it is the after all that is existing in the context of it all.It is the hereafter that they are through that they are in.It is the hereafter that they are into into the summit of the things that they are in.In the alignment of the convergence of the it thoughts I would say that they are more than the prescribed thought.That they can count on impulse of the governace.In the simmetry it was the effect that they were in but it was not the thing that they are counting on.It is the affected ones that they count on.It is parallel that they a count on.Perpendicular thing
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