African coloured
It is the thing that it is that it is to be calling them the text of it it is the menaness of time.that it is calling that it is there.That is so ecstasy to be in the same name as them the Colonial coloured.that it is the seeming thingthat they seek the love of colourful saying that is the thing that they seeking.that it could not be called the thing that is calling a kaffir a decent lady.that is the calling of them that is is the mention of them that is saying that it is coloured in the cape.That is the talking of them in the coloured is the saying that they are more in the side of the thing that they are in.In the closure of it it is the saying that they are not inthe meek.It is so affected by the things of our past that it is our regret to be abnormal in the society where in.In the society wherein it is the abnormal that exists.But it is the normal that is sought in their abbiss.It is their normal that is disfunctional.And it is their normal that is not liked.It is their normal that is sickened by others.

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