Blackmailing Us in Expectancy

it is so cordial to expect the least in the coming yeaers that I xcan expect to be lost the vast swamp of the media advertisement it is that it is so closedminded.To be so expectant of them is so the effect tTaking measures is to say that we ra ejust in this place to say that we are there for nothing.Willingly we reside to the fact that he is just there in the plan making i his resource.It is dangerous to think that we are just there for the same reasons as them.But they re so for gotten in thsay that they are there.In their quest it is the misfortune that they are there forsaken in their name.that is the stay in the place that is lucky ewith their name.
t is easy for them to stay i there and to say that they are there thinking in the say.We dont yet agree for them to say that they are thir thinking of the tings to say in th structures of us it is to say that they are there in us.Fir her NDZ it is the say that they are juast there thinking iof the place to stay in.But it istheir stay that is so remarkabble in thsi it it is to say that they are thee thinking in the class of forgiveness in this place.We know that he expects to be superseded in everythinh he is just siblime in his thinking in the gane of politics.that is the name of the structure he is in.For us it is merely a childsplay that is forgiven by them ithe stay that they find themselves in,butheis so forgiven in themname that he is in and that is his party.he will structure that organisation so that it iwill be aligned to his say and niot their s in this organisation that is the structure of them.In the country it is their say that is so forlorn.The rights of us is wanting in the say of the hypocrit that he is to say that he is the say that eh is in the say the name of the organisation that your are in it is the say that he is predectable in his future,that he is the name of her NDZ is to say that their name is predicatble.
Corruption Corruption Corruption Corrruption
But also their is the thinkingbthat their stay is in the future that is to say that they are none in thiscase.that their name s are very predictable in thias case with my name stupiod am i forguiven where i am in thsi palce.Am I lost that i cant say that Im this place that Im there it is nothing in this case.
Has someone said that the lights are oput with me.Have I been let down surely yes
Youre decision making is lost in the ranscript of the peolle and that is youre say withNDZ
We say Apolagise Apolagise Apolagise Apolagise Apolagise
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