Mr.Africa-Revolution Nation
It is the capsulating fact that he is so laidback in his approach,that he seems to be in the very gratefull sense that he is.In the constituency factor it is that he seems so laidback in the sense.That he is in.In the no forgivness of him it is his catapulted state that he is in.That he is required to be in the statement if his no address.It is always been the fact that he is so relied upon in the statement of his address.In the the no remittence of his request that is so declined but that he is so refunded in the loyalty of his patronage.That seems to be so fasted in the fact that he was declineing.In it is also the fact that he is so remotely in the obscene sense that he is a gift full away.In the obsceneness of his men it is the gift that is so reluctant,in the remarkebly good victory he is in and ridiculed.It was a benefact that he was won over by the constituency but they were denied by the ANC.In the republic remark it is well said that he is in the make over of his career but is the name of the ANC,that commisserates in the fact that he was there.In the struggle of them it is so affected that he was there in them,And that he is so reminded of the past like all men.In Africa he is resounded as the prince in darkness ,but he is actually so reminded of the things in the past like his everlasting.His love for woman in the remarkable and makeable sense of it all.But he is so keenly kept in the offense that he forgives them in the obscene sense of not knowing,so knowing is the pleasure of the state capture.But he resounds in the fact that he is lost.It is his fellow ministers that are lost in his control in it,because they are so sure of their win.That he resounds in them is affectionate but that he is drawn in is so pleasureable.
But wait
But who will know what it will be next.
What will it take that he longs for the success of his predecessors?
Or is it take all the whiteman along in this case?
Or will be that he is resounded in the statement of no remittance?
What is that you have to do wrong in the name of a cabinet minister,to go to jail or are you just insane?
Are you exempted from being criminally impeded?
What is the next generation going to think
Will justice be withdrawn in this case or in the courtrooms?
Is it them or us
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