Synthetic Fact the ANC
It is there in the medium of the not described in giving themselves to the media,that it is the reclusive state that I am in.In there is the fact that it is not the statemnnet that it is the begotten.In the fact that it is not prescribed to the but it is sincerely hoped for that I'm there in the public statement of them.In the so gathering of the fact that it is not prescribed to in this case.It is the sincere fact and humble apologies that I'm not there in for.In the affordment of the precipis of the time it is their affordabillety that is not there in their name.But that it was prescribed to by them in the conjoureing in their middleteam.It is likely that they are so intrepid in their society by name that it is scarey for them.That it is their name that has fallen in the grace of stardom in this insigt in them.They do look hazardous in this case of the prevelant statement of the economy that arises in this case.That it is so perverted in the sense that it is not enough in this case.It is all the fact that it is the fact that it is not enough in the sense that it is forgiven by them. but the angry men in this country to at least in the pervant stet that tghey are in.the look in the might is that they are so fervent in this sight of the presidency collapse.To be expected that it is not enough to oust him out.|In the staement itisaid that it is nis not enough nut for the name sake it is given said that he is in the saying that he is corruptioble.To remain until term ends is hisd saying and the after effct iof his influence will be said to ne in the ANC.It is the fact that they are there but they are of the ANC.But it is also the fact that it is not enough in the stadium of light in this case to be associated to him.This man is his own shadow it is the fact thathe is in his sghadow in the remisnince of the fact tha he is not with the people.That it is the thought of enough that summons the action in them.You see in the forseeable future that it is the instigated fact that it is not there in the case of them.But it will be that they are so defiant in their goals in the onset of justice.It is also their rediculous statement that is reclused in the fact that it is not enough.In that statement that it is forgiven in there of the statement of forgetting.
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