Wondering Experience
That it is them is me.That it is them is something else.That they all seem to be in there with me is nothing.But seemingly indescribeable.That they seem that they are there is the fact they are in the same space as me in the fact that they are given is the fact that they are strong.And that is the fact.Who is? Monopoly is not a game,it is a show that is culminated into thinking that you are.That you are the seemingly difficult one that is always the fact of the matter.That they all seem that they are thinking in there own minds is the fact,that is the prescription that they are there,and we are there is the fact.They are all seemingly indescreet with their thoughts on how it should be and how we should be that.They all seem viable with being with them.That they so ofensive is nothing but seemingly ungratefull.But it is all affected with the fact that they are there in their own name that they seemingly unaffected by it all.That is seemingly great pleasure.That it is to pursue.
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