Immoral immegrants in SA
I think in the just system of our country it is the just that is mislead and that is us as SA.
It is we that is outspoken in the case of them in the case me in the place that I stay.It is the merefact that they so ineffctive in the way tha they are to se them is li ethe reach program that i should be in.
In the outreach program it is the unaffected soul that is my way that is so in th procurement of the life of mine but they ar os good here in this coutry with my money.
It is suffocating ways to be in there in the immegrant system that they are working in the secret with what is prescribed to be in the offense of them in the space.
Of them it is the likely would of the stay in their place.
In their name it is their name that is likely to stay in their homes but to here only to say that we did again in their case in their applause and to give them hope in security to say we reach.
Average poverty and hunger is like afforded in this country to see them out inthis place to be like them in te affordable way is unmeasurerable.
That leaves me in the not finding a job anyway because of their stay in this country.
In Zimbabwe it is the SA to be in this case of the clause of the genocide that is there in their country.
It is the exorbatant tax clause that is tagged to their name in this case that and they all seem likely to be in the cause of the pain in the name of the game.
That is the greatest thing of them in the cause of this countries problem in the cases of them.
It is also the well stead to be in their case but not in their favour because they are our governments money in the favour of the foreigner seeking a place to stay in SA.
My favour is the reclinement state that is SA.In the case of me it is the big fact of them losing all the time in this case.
I think in the just system of our country it is the just that is mislead and that is us as SA.
It is we that is outspoken in the case of them in the case me in the place that I stay.It is the merefact that they so ineffctive in the way tha they are to se them is li ethe reach program that i should be in.
In the outreach program it is the unaffected soul that is my way that is so in th procurement of the life of mine but they ar os good here in this coutry with my money.
It is suffocating ways to be in there in the immegrant system that they are working in the secret with what is prescribed to be in the offense of them in the space.
Of them it is the likely would of the stay in their place.
In their name it is their name that is likely to stay in their homes but to here only to say that we did again in their case in their applause and to give them hope in security to say we reach.
Average poverty and hunger is like afforded in this country to see them out inthis place to be like them in te affordable way is unmeasurerable.
That leaves me in the not finding a job anyway because of their stay in this country.
In Zimbabwe it is the SA to be in this case of the clause of the genocide that is there in their country.
It is the exorbatant tax clause that is tagged to their name in this case that and they all seem likely to be in the cause of the pain in the name of the game.
That is the greatest thing of them in the cause of this countries problem in the cases of them.
It is also the well stead to be in their case but not in their favour because they are our governments money in the favour of the foreigner seeking a place to stay in SA.
My favour is the reclinement state that is SA.In the case of me it is the big fact of them losing all the time in this case.
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