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President Dlamini-Zuma: What can SA expect if she becomes ANC Leader? We're cutting through the speculation, and telling it how it is. We look at her policies, her political history, and what South Africa can expect if she becomes president By Tom Head - October 3, 2017 President Dlamini-Zuma: What SA can expect if she becomes ANC Leader? Image Credits: Gallo Images / Foto24 / Danielle Karallis) 0 SHARES She is the leadership candidate endorsed and managed by the president. Once upon a time, Jacob Zuma’s approval would win you any ANC contest with consummate ease. Unfortunately for Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma though, times are changing. The toxicity of Mr Zuma’s reputation has accelerated at an alarming rate in 2017. His party have began to rebel against him, and MPs have quit because of his deliberate self-service and bumbling incompetence. Dlamini-Zuma was sworn in as an MP a couple of weeks ago, ahead of her bid to run for ANC presidency. What was once perceived as an easy route to power is now littered with obstacles, all of Zuma’s making. ADVERTISING
However, the so-called ‘second favourite’ for the top job will be a serious contender right up until that last vote is counted. It’s very possible South Africa will be swapping one Zuma for another. So we’re asking, what would an NDZ presidency look like? What will voters get from Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma? History and Background Nkosazana was born and raised in Natal, in a Zulu community. She went on to achieve medical degrees from four separate universities: Zululand, Natal, Bristol and Liverpool. Dr Dlamini-Zuma has been an active member of the ANC since the late 70s, starting as their youth league chairperson in 1978. Soon after this, she married Jacob Zuma whilst she was a doctor at Swaziland’s Mbabane Government Hospital. President Dlamini-Zuma: What SA can expect if she becomes ANC Leader? Dlamini-Zuma is going toe-to-toe with Cyril Ramaphosa for the leadership (reuters) How qualified for the job is Dlamini-Zuma? Her wealth of experience serving in high-profile government roles makes her the most experienced candidate for the job. She has held a cabinet post under every democratic leader of modern South Africa. Under Nelson Mandela, she put her medical knowledge to great use as the Minister of Health. She enjoyed a fruitful 10 years serving under Thabo Mbeki as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, before switching to Minister of Home Affairs under Jacob Zuma. She left government in 2012 to chair the African Union. In fact, her three-year spell as head of Home Affairs yielded some magnificent results. Under her stewardship, the branch produced their first clean audit for 16 years and became a more effective public service. With great power, came great irresponsibility Take nothing away from Dlamini-Zuma: She was a huge asset to the ANC for most of the last 23 years. However, she’s made a few cock-ups in her time, too. She lied about funding for a government-backed play to raise awareness of AIDS back in 1995. She made false claims about the EU donating to Sarafina II. In reality, NDZ had awarded the R14m contract to a ‘good friend’, using government money. In her time as Foreign Affairs Minister, she was unsuitably silent when Robert Mugabe implemented his violent ‘land reform’ policy. Her approach of quiet diplomacy did not sit well with onlookers inside and outside of South Africa. What are her political policies? President Dlamini-Zuma: What SA can expect if she becomes ANC Leader? Dlamini-Zuma reassured the business sector that radical economic transformation wouldn’t be unfair and that there would be consultation should she become president of country in 2019. (Gallo / Sowetan / Sandile Ndlovu) She’s been labelled a ‘populist’ by some political commentators, abandoning her characteristic balance and measure in favour of emotive policies. Dlamini-Zuma is a supporter of Radical Economic Transformation, to create further employment for black people and women. She has also backed the re-appropriation of land to black people from whites, with ‘no compensation’. Universal and affordable internet access will be prioritised to give ‘everyone an opportunity to be involved in the ICT sector.’ Believes we need more universities and wants more government funding for tertiary education. Nkosazana wants to ensure the private sector do more to engage the public and create working partnerships A comprehensive list of her policies is also available to view here Style of politics There’s a worrying history with Dlamini-Zuma, despite her political experience. She has repeatedly made very autocratic decisions. The Sarafina II scandal isn’t the only time she misled Parliament and took matters into her own hands. Dlamini-Zuma recklessly broke protocol when she allowed two scientists to pitch their AIDS treatment plan to her. The Medical Research Council (MRC) were not consulted about them presenting their findings to Cabinet. The ‘Virodene’ solution was immediately dismissed by the MRC. NDZ responded by launching a ‘review team’ who actually recommended the MRC itself should be made defunct. Read: What can South Africa expect of a Cyril Ramaphosa presidency? Who is supporting Dlamini-Zuma? Jacob Zuma isn’t the only big cheese throwing their weight behind The Doctor. Free State Premier Ace Magashule, Winnie Mandela, and The ANC Youth League are the biggest names to register their support with her. President Dlamini-Zuma: What SA can expect if she becomes ANC Leader? Presiding over BRICS at the World Economic Forum (GCIS) What might stop people voting for NDZ? What’s in a name, eh? Whilst the ANC should be focused on rising poverty, sinking employment figures and economic turmoil, they are constantly fighting the fires they have set themselves, largely through Jacob Zuma. Being his preferred c


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